March 11, 2021
BLB&G partner Avi Josefson is quoted in the article, "Why A Surge Of COVID Securities Suits Hasn't Happened" published in Law360, providing commentary on the pace of securities class action filings as a result of the pandemic.
As the pandemic hit in early 2020, there was widespread speculation anticipating a surge of investor litigations related to various fraud and corporate wrongdoings having resulted from the virus outbreak. In this article, various leaders, including Avi, explain why this surge has not happened yet.
“Attorneys who spoke to Law360 were split on how long the flow of investor actions is likely to continue, but the lack of a more substantial uptick in suits hasn't come as a surprise to plaintiff-side securities litigators. Avi Josefson of Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann LLP said his firm "never saw the pandemic as driving a wave of securities cases."
To read the full article, click here to read it on Law360's website (subscription required) or download the PDF below.
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