April 15-28, 2013
The works of BLB&G partner and amateur photographer, Max Berger, were on display as part of the exhibit - Places - which was held April 15 - 28, 2013 at the 25CPW Gallery in New York City.
A number of years after RecentWorks, his first successful show, Places represented a selection of Mr. Berger’s most recent images hand-picked from his trips to diverse locations around the world. According to Mr. Berger, “the pieces are intended to draw the viewer into the images and to experience a place in a way not typically found in travel photography.”
A lifelong New Yorker, Mr. Berger has been taking photographs for over 30 years. In the words of world-renowned photographer, Robert Polidori, who discovered Max's work at Laumont Editions Gallery where his work is printed: "These images had a pretty right-on psychological marksmanship as far as I could tell. They are about feelings that one doesn't become aware of until they are already missed or gone or never realized before at all. You have to be pretty perceptive to take photos like that."
In his recent review of Places, photographer and Wall Street Journal photography writer, William Meyers, notes that “Mr. Berger is as interested in the people as the landscapes,” and that following in the tradition of Vivian Maier and other extraordinary amateur photographers, he “has quietly created an impressive body of work.”
All of the proceeds from the show will be donated to City Year New York and InMotion. City Year, a part of AmeriCorps, unites young volunteers for a demanding year of full-time community service, leadership development, and civic engagement in underserved schools and communities in New York City. inMotion confronts the challenging needs of families in crisis by providing free legal services to low-income and abused women in New York City, who are otherwise unable to secure quality legal representation.
Please visit http://www.cityyear.org for more information about these very worthy organizations.